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[2012콜로퀴움] 10/15 John P. Walsh - The Bureaucratization of Scientific Work
Writer 관리자 Created 2012.10.09 Views 13357

10월 15일(월) 과학기술정책대학원 콜로퀴움이 개최됩니다.   
많은 관심 부탁드리며 홍보용 포스터를 첨부하오니 확인 바랍니다.  
*문의 : 박진영 (042-350-4843) / /


KAIST STP cordially invites you to the following seminar.
If you need further information, just feel free to contact me (JinYeong Park: 042-350-4843).


* Speaker : John P. Walsh / School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Professor  
* Topic : The Bureaucratization of Scientific Work.
* Venue : N4 Building / STP Seminar Room 1316  
* Date : October 15, 2012 (Monday) 5:30 PM  


Science is increasingly becoming a team activity.  This raises the question of whether we see an increasingly bureaucratic structuring of scientific work groups as predicting by organization theory. Building on earlier work in the sociology of organizations, we develop a set of hypotheses about the relation between work group size and the bureaucratization of scientific work groups.  We also examine the effects of other contextual factors that organization theory suggests should affect organization structure, such as uncertainty and resource dependence. Using data from a large-scale survey of scientists across 19 fields, we examine the relation between size of the collaboration and the division of labor, formalization/standardization, hierarchy and decentralization.  We find that size consistently predicts bureaucratic structuring, but with declining marginal effects.  We do not find strong effects from uncertainty, while technology dependence primarily affects the cross-lab division of labor.  Complexity also predicts other aspects of bureaucratic structuring, but size still has a direct effect controlling for complexity. We discuss the implications of these findings for authorships, scientific labor markets and scientific careers, as well as for the sociology of organizations.


Refreshments will be served and please check the attached file (Colloquium Poster).