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학위논문심사 및 제출일정 2020년도 2월, 8월, 2021년도 2월/Schedules of the Completion and Submission of Dissertation 2020 Feb Aug, 2021 Feb
Writer 관리자 Created 2020.03.30 Views 1840


2020년 8월, 2021년 2월 졸업대상자 학위논문 제출일정 및 작성요령 안내 Submission Schedule and Preparation Tips of Master’s and Doctoral Thesis for Students Expected to Graduate in Aug. 2020 or Feb. 2021

1. 관련

 가. 교학기획팀-471(2020.03.27), 석박사학위논문 작성 및 제출요령 변경(안)

 나. 법무팀-354(2020.03.24), 개정원규 시행


2. 2020년 8월, 2021년 2월 졸업대상자에 대한 학·석·박사 학위논문 제출일정

   및 작성요령, 석·박사 학위논문 템플릿을 붙임과 같이 안내드립니다.


3. 아울러, '석박사학위논문 작성 및 제출요령' 변경과 '박사과정 운영지침' 일부 개정에 따라 아래와 같이 일부 변경된 사항이 있으니 숙지하여 진행해주시기 바랍니다.



- 아  래 -


가. 변경사항


 1) 석박사학위논문 작성 및 제출요령


   (1) '서지사항과 초록'페이지에 학번 기입란 삭제

   (2) 인쇄학위논문의 인쇄방식에 대한 기준 마련 및 안내 문구 삽입

   (3) '약력'페이지에 개인정보 기재 금지 문구 추가

      ※ 2020년 8월 졸업예정자부터 적용하나, 이미 인쇄를 진행한 논문에 한하여

         이전 요령 적용을 허용



 2) 박사과정 운영지침


   (1) 박사과정의 학위청구논문 심사 기한 변경

     ※ 학위청구논문 심사 완료 시기 조정에 따라 청구논문심사 개최요청서

         제출 마감일, 청구논문심사 결과보고서 제출 마감일, 인쇄논문 제출일정 변경




붙임: 1. 학위논문 심사 및 제출일정(국/영문) 각 1부.

      2. 석·박사학위논문 작성요령(국/영문) 각 1부.

      3. 석·박사학위논문 템플릿(한글, MS-Word, Latex) 각 1부. 끝.  




1. References

 a. Academic Planning Team-471(2020.03.27.), Changes of Preparation and Submission Tips of Master’s and Doctoral Dissertations

 b. Legal Affairs Team-354(2020.03.24.), Enforcement of Revised Regulations




2. Please find attached master’s and doctoral thesis submission and preparation tips and template thereof for students expected to graduate in Aug. 2020 or Feb. 2021.




3. We also inform you of the changes in accordance with amendments to the “Master’s and Doctoral Thesis Preparation and Submission Tips” and Guidelines on Management of Doctoral Programs as described below.



- Details -


a. Changes


1) Master’s and Doctoral Thesis Preparation and Submission Tips



   (1) Deletion of the input box of the student ID number on the “Bibliographic Information and Abstracts” page


   (2) Setting criteria for printing method of printed thesis and inserting instructional phrases

   (3) Add of phrases prohibiting provision of personal information on “Curriculum Vitae” page


      ※ These are applicable from the students who are expected to graduate in August 2020; however, only for the thesis that have been already printed, application of the previous rules is allowed.



2) Guidelines on Management of Doctoral Programs


   (1) Adjustment of the period to complete review of a dissertation for doctoral degree


     ※ Following the adjustment of the period to complete review of a dissertation for doctoral degree, deadline to request dissertation defense evaluation, deadline to post final dissertation evaluation results, and period to submit final dissertation have been subsequently changed.





Attachment: 1. Thesis Evaluation and Submission Schedule (Korean/English)

                     2. Master’s and Doctoral Thesis Preparation Tips (Korean/English)

                     3. Master’s and Doctoral Thesis Template (Hangeul, MS-Word, Latex). End.






(In the event of misinterpretation arising from cultural differences, the original text in Korean shall take precedence over the English translation.)